
Mid-Term Examinations Dates

Greetings and hello. Below are the dates for the Mid-Term Examinations:

Form 1 and 2
STARTS on TUESDAY (17th May 2016) and ENDS on FRIDAY (20th May 2016)

Form 3
STARTS on MONDAY (16th May 2016) and ENDS on FRIDAY (20th May 2016)

Form 4
STARTS on WEDNESDAY ( 11th May 2016) and ENDS on WEDNESDAY (25th May 2016)

Form 5
STARTS on THURSDAY (5th May 2016) and ENDS on WEDNESDAY (25th May 2016)

We hope that you do the examinations with confidence and full spirited.
Onward Johannians and Fide et Labore!

Courtesy from The Johannian Student Board.


Blog Editor : MrProgtammer+