
Career Week,Mid-Term Examination Date Announcements,Extra Curricular Activities Announcements and Labour Day Holiday.

Greetings and we're back for the 15th school week update.

        The St. John's Institution Student Counseling and Career Committee has organised the annual Career Week. The launching ceremony wasn't held during the school assembly. Instead, it was launched during the Career Fair that took place on Thursday (28th April) at the school hall. All classes were given the time to visit the fair according to the timetable given.

        All form supervisors have announced the starting date of the Mid-Term Examinations. Revisions with the subject teachers took place during the lessons.

        The Senior Assistant in Extra Curricular, Mr. Seow Cheng Ping has announced that all extra curricular activities will be suspended early May to give time for students to study for the Mid-Term Examinations.

        Lastly, the whole world was given a day off on Labour Day to let workers, including educators and clerks rest. So, students are involved and was given the day off too.

That is all for this week's update. Happy Labour Day and happy reading!

Adam Putra
Head Blog Editor,
Johannian Student Board.


Blog Editor : MrProgtammer+